Our Services

Vessel Leasing

Our leasing operations serve clients in need of Tankers. We are not limited by tonnage in this regard. Our vessel-charter service makes available to clients large and medium-capacity tankers of veritable and verifiable sea-worthiness

Vessel Management

For ship-owners who prefer to engage the tasking and competitive maritime business environment by proxy, our Vessel Management Service ranks among the best in Nigeria’s maritime industry. This aspect of our business is backed by strategic domestic and international alliances that guarantee best possible returns-on-investment.

Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO)

The ceaseless demand for floating production systems deserves to be met with need-specific solutions. We lease and manage FPSO systems as a very special part of our service spectrum. BaySafe is well-established in all aspects of this highly specialized constituent of the maritime industry. Our strict adherence to Total Quality Management (TQM) in this aspect of our business ranks us among the most reputable FPSO systems providers in Nigeria.